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          US Customs & Boarder Protection

Important information when traveling to 

For boat travel to and from Canada, US Custom has a new smart-phone App called “CBP One Mobile Application” (new as of 2018). The APP is free for all passengers and replaces the old I-94 paper Form. The I-94 form is still available and cost $16 per passenger but why pay when there is no passenger fee if you use the APP. The APP also uses your smart-phones video camera to conduct the Interview with US Customs, so you no longer need to wait in line at a US Customs video phone booth. Also before going on your trip, add all of your passengers bio-details in the App along with their passport picture. For more info on the CBP One Mobile App Goto and search for “CBP One Mobile Application”

IMPORTANT:  All boats over 29 feet require a $30 “User Fee Decal” to travel to Canada.  

If you do not have this decal the US government can confiscate your boat plus add a $5000 fine.

The office said if you don’t have the sticker there is a chance they will give you a first-time

warning but there are no guarantees....So if you like to keep your boat, please get the $30 sticker when traveling to Canada!

To get the sticker on-line Goto and search for “User Fee Decal” and select “User Fee Decals and Transponders”
Also note if you get back from Canada after 9:00 PM (when their office closes), all of your passengers will need to stay near the boat the next morning and wait until you have your video interview with Customs (Custom agents reserve the right to interview all of your passengers), So best to get back before their offices close @9:00PM

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